The International Academy of Pathology

Indian Division

A World Wide Organization

About IAP-ID

A very warm welcome to the website of the International Academy of Pathology - Indian Division (IAP-ID). The IAP-ID was started in the late 1960's with a few select members and from this small beginning it has grown tremendously in all aspects of its operations, especially so in the last few years. The IAP-ID is one of the most active and dynamic Divisions of the International Academy of Pathology and has attracted a large membership and evoked lot of interest from Pathologists, both from India and abroad, due to its active academic and scientific programs.

IAP-ID Academic Programs 2025

This is for your information regarding IAP-ID Academic Programs 2025. The IAP-ID has the following programs during the course of the year:

  • Mid-Year Teaching Program (usually a Workshop) in April or May

  • IAP-ID Annual CME usually in August or September.

  • Annual Conference (usually held in conjunction with IAPM Conference) usually November or December having a symposium and slide seminar.

  • Those members desirous of organizing and hosting the Mid Year Teaching Program 2025 or Annual CME 2025 should send their proposals and its theme in the formats uploaded on the website of the International Academy of Pathology - Indian Division (IAP-ID) to the Secretary & Treasurer, Dr. Megha Uppin (address on website). For the Annual Conference 2025 (held along with IAPM Conference) those desirous of being Moderators for Slide seminar or Symposium should send their names along with the proposed titles to the Secretary and Treasurer, IAP-ID. As per the decision of the General Body certain topics may be suggested as possible subjects for Slide seminar and Symposium. However, as per the decision of the Council and General Body of the IAP-ID, the person selected as moderator shall be the one who is felt to be best suited for the particular topic of Slide seminar and/or Symposium.

  • All proposals should reach the Secretary & Treasurer, IAP-ID, in prescribed formats latest by 30th October 2024, so as the same proposals could be discussed and approved by the Council and General Body of the IAP-ID

  • Click here to download the format for the proposal from the IAP ID website

  • Kindly note that, those who are sending the proposals it is mandatory that their membership is updated and should mention their Membership no in the proposal form. Also, if the membership has expired, it should be renewed till date along with the payment of arrears.

    The Moderators whose topics are selected for various academic programs should ensure that all the speakers selected are either existing members of IAP-ID and if not should become members of IAP-ID.

    The proposals should be sent to:
    Dr. Megha Uppin
    Secretary & Treasurer IAP-ID
    Department of pathology Nizam's institute of medical science
    Punjagutta Hyderabad 500082
    Email: drmeghasuppin

Annual Conference

See our latest photos from Academic